The JP Korsteel Jointed Eggbutt Pelham bit is a solid bit for horses who are a little too strong for a regular snaffle. The optional curb rein attachment allows this bit to be ridden with one rein, two reins or a converter to vary the amount of pressure exerted on the poll and by the curb chain. With the rein attached to the snaffle ring, the pressure will be similar to a baucher with the curb chain engaging with a fair amount of rein pressure. With the rein attached on the lower ring, the bit will apply more poll pressure and engage the curb chain with a lighter touch giving you more control. A converter can be used to apply intermediate pressure on both the snaffle and the curb rein attachment. Lastly, the use of a snaffle and curb rein simultaneously can be used for a more refined ride, control when needed and a softer feel otherwise. This pelham has a single jointed mouthpiece and provides ultimate communication between you and your horse. John Patterson, world renowned trainer and jockey, developed the curved bar design to enhance performance by facilitating the utmost comfort for your horse.