Stage C bits are built for riders and horses who love neck reining. Horses who respond well to poll pressure are in Stage C. Features include solid mouthpieces and cheek attachments, and swivel cheeks with jointed mouthpieces or low to medium ports.
Stage C bits are built for riders and horses who love neck reining. Horses who respond well to poll pressure are in Stage C. Features include solid mouthpieces and cheek attachments, and swivel cheeks with jointed mouthpieces or low to medium ports.
Top-selling transition bit for introducing indirect control of leverage from the shank and pressure from the curb chain. Works off tongue, lips and bar pressure.
Stage A bits are great for starting horses, training, or maintaining steady contact. Aspects include direct reining, non-leverage loose rings and dee rings with mouthpiece diameters 5/16" and over.
Stage C bits are built for riders and horses who love neck reining. Horses who respond well to poll pressure are in Stage C. Features include solid mouthpieces and cheek attachments, and swivel cheeks with jointed mouthpieces or low to medium ports.
Stage A bits are great for starting horses, training, or maintaining steady contact. Aspects include direct reining, non-leverage loose rings and dee rings with mouthpiece diameters 5/16" and over.
Stage A bits are great for starting horses, training, or maintaining steady contact. Aspects include direct reining, non-leverage loose rings and dee rings with mouthpiece diameters 5/16" and over.
The 7-1/2-inch cheek style is next in the lineup. Extremely versatile, this bit can be used for training drills, pleasure riding, or competition. This cheek has a 2-1/2-inch purchase with a 5-inch shank.
A necessity in any horseman’s toolbox, the D Ring Snaffle has a nice weight, balance, and feel. Its slightly heavier design not only makes it durable, but it takes a deliberate action to cue the horse.
Pure. A Bit Wipe Towelette - Ditch the harsh chemicals and choose a healthy alternative for your horse. Our blend of ingredients cleans your bits with natural agents and zero toxins.
Stainless Steel 5" HBT Shank with Sweet Iron Twisted Snaffle (MB 09T, Level 1) Mouth 5" This mouthpiece is made of polished Sweet Iron which naturally oxidizes or rusts. Harmless to horses, it has a sweet taste and promotes salivation.
Stage C bits are built for riders and horses who love neck reining. Horses who respond well to poll pressure are in Stage C. Features include solid mouthpieces and cheek attachments, and swivel cheeks with jointed mouthpieces or low to medium ports.
Soft straight bar bit that encourages chewing , gives a gentle hand more bending leverage in the horses neck, allowing for a soft feel of the horses mouth, also has the ability to have less leverage by just using the ring at the mouth.
The Dee ring compromises between an eggbutt and a full cheek snaffle, preventing pinching at the corners of the mouth and without the dangers posed by the arms of a full cheek snaffle.
Bit Wrapping Tape is a latex-free, soft, self-adhesive silicone tape that can be used to reduce pinching, cushion your horse's bit, and repair your horse's favorite bit!
The barrel in the center applies approximately the same pressure on the tongue as a traditional single-jointed mouthpiece. However, the barrel distributes the pressure more kindly and allows for each side of the bit to be used independently.
Very popular gag shank with cheeks that allows the mouthpiece to move forward when reins are pulled to give the horse time to think before the curb chain and mouthpiece tighten. Excellent mouthpiece for horses who need a little more control.